restore lip volume and definition

Lip enhancement treatments can help treat the effects of aging. As we know, aging has a significant effect on the lips, leading to noticeable changes in volume, shape, and texture. Over time, the body produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are essential for maintaining plump, hydrated lips. As a result, the lips begin to lose volume, becoming thinner and flatter. This can make the lips appear less defined, and the once prominent cupid’s bow can fade.

In addition to volume loss, the lips may develop fine lines, commonly known as “lipstick lines” or “smoker’s lines,” which are vertical wrinkles around the mouth. These lines form as the skin loses elasticity, and they can become more prominent with repeated facial expressions or habits like smoking or drinking from straws.

Aging also affects the lip borders, particularly the vermillion border, which can blur over time, reducing the crispness of the lip outline. This may cause lipstick to feather and further highlight fine lines. Additionally, the natural downturning of the corners of the mouth can create a sad or tired appearance.

Lip Enhancement
Lip enhancement

How does volume enhancement treatments work?

This will be discussed in detail during the consultation.

DO I require a follow-up APPOINTMENT?

A complimentary follow-up appointment at 2 – 4 weeks is recommended to assess the effect and make any adjustments to ensure future treatments are accurate.

Does the treatment hurt?

Treatment options can involve some mild discomfort however there are options for pain management if this is a concern.

What can I expect after the treatment?

Results are generally seen immediately, however maximum results are seen at least 4 weeks after the treatment. Downtime can range from 2 – 7 days.
Detailed written aftercare will be provided after the treatment.

How long does the treatment last?

The duration of treatment effect is dependent on the type treatment and area. This will be discussed in clinic.

Are the treatments safe?

Yes, the treatment offered at Cairns Aesthetic Doctor are considered safe. However the treatment is a medical procedure and therefore carries a risk of side effects and complications. It is important to discuss this thoroughly with Dr Steph prior to the treatment.

What age can I have this treatment?

The minimum age to receive this treatment at this clinic is 18 years of age.